John 12:25

John 12:25

He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

John 12:25

Did Jesus just say that we should walk around like a Debbie Downer and hate everything? The moral is not that we become hateful people, rather Jesus is warning us that our love for the things of this world should not exceed our love towards Him. You may never say the words “I love this more than I love God,” but your actions and how close you hold onto the things of this world may tell a different story. Many people will say they love the Lord, but they hold onto areas of their lives and will not let the Lord touch those things. It could be your house, a pet or a loved one.

Are there things you are struggling to entrust to the Lord? If God took those things away from you today, would your love towards Him fade? The rich young ruler loved God and was willing to follow all His ways, until he was told to sell everything that he had. His love for the things of this world kept him from following God. Instead, we should follow the example of Job. He lost everything but his wife, yet he still praised the Lord! Job’s love towards God exceeded everything he had, does yours?

For the King,

Pastor Daniel Batistelli