John 15:18-19

John 15:18-19

“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own.”

John 15:18-19

Praise God Morningstar has a pastor who does not succumb to the teachings of the world! There are far too many pastors today who compromise biblical doctrine in efforts to become more relevant in the world. No matter how relevant you try to be, if you follow Jesus without compromise, the world will hate you. If you find that the world loves you, be careful to see that you are not of this world. Jesus warned us that the world would hate us just as it hated Him. If they hated Jesus without cause, they will hate us the same.

As followers of Jesus, we should share His love with everyone that we come into contact with. The problem should never be our attitude or the way we treat others. Rather the problem will always be that the heart of sinful people will hate the Lord and those who follow Him. When the world hates you for Jesus, rejoice and know that you share in the sufferings of our Lord.

For the King,

Pastor Daniel Batistelli