Philippians 4:5

Philippians 4:5

…the Lord is at hand.

Philippians 4:5(b)

Do you know that the Lord is available to you at this very moment? There’s no need to talk to a recording or wait on hold before before getting connected to Him. The Lord is instantly available for counsel, comfort, or whatever your need may be.

Even though the Lord is at hand and able to supply whatever is needed, we often turn to others before we turn to Him. Friends and family, even with the best intentions, will let you down. They give the wrong advice or point you in the wrong direction. The Lord will never let you down, He can’t fail! Before we turn anywhere, we need to turn to the Lord first. The Lord is at hand and able to provide for all your needs. Are you turning to Him?

For the King, 

Pastor Daniel Batistelli