Acts 8:26-27a

Acts 8:26-27a

Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, “Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is desert. So he arose and went…

Acts 8:26-27a

So much of what God has for us is missed because too many times we question God’s calling instead of just obeying and going. Philip was having great success in Samaria. God was using him greatly, people were getting saved and being baptized, and there was great joy in the city because of the Gospel. Then the Lord gives him clear directions to leave this city of great opportunity and go to the desolate desert. So, Philip “arose and went” and without questioning, makes the 90-mile trip to Gaza and meets a man in a chariot. And not just any man, but a man of great authority from Ethiopia, second in command under the queen, the keeper of the treasury. He was searching for God and needed someone to help him understand the scriptures, so Philip was sent.

What has God directed you to do? What has He been showing you in His word that you haven’t yet applied to your life? I would say to you today, stop questioning and simply be a doer of the word and you will be surprised what you will find as you “arise and go.”

Pastor Doug Hardin