Matthew 5:5

Matthew 5:5

“Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.” 

Matthew 5:5

The world has a less-than-flattering definition of meek: wimp, doormat, spineless, weak, yellow, or pushover, to name a few. The Bible’s definition for the word praus means, “not being overly impressed by a sense of one’s self-importance but being gentle, humble and considerate.” The Greeks used this word to describe a horse that had been broken — power under control.

Those who keep their anger in check don’t flaunt their power or constantly claim their rights. Those who put others’ interests ahead of their own – these are the ones, Jesus promised, who would be there in the end as over-comers to rule and reign with Him over the earth.

That’s a good reason to exercise meekness.

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw