John 2:5

John 2:5

His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.

John 2:5

We are told that Mary, the mother of Jesus was at a wedding in Cana of Galilee and that Jesus and His disciples were invited as well. When the servants had run out of wine to serve those attending, Jesus was called upon to fix the situation. Though Mary might have had some ulterior motives for seeking Jesus’ help, He would perform His first recorded miracle there, turning water into wine.

But I love Mary’s words here. Many have exalted her to an unbiblical position of worship and prayer, with many looking to her for direction, healing, and faith. Her statement here would stand in sharp contrast to that. In the last recorded words of Mary in the scriptures she would give us the best advice ever, “Whatever Jesus says to you, do it.” She was a Godly lady, chosen by God, blessed among women, but when it really comes down to it, her words to us would be,  “Look to Jesus, obey Him.” Advice we would do well to follow.

Looking to Jesus,

Pastor Doug Hardin