Matthew 6:24

Matthew 6:24

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

Matthew 6:24

It’s nice to think we can do it all and handle it all, isn’t it? I know some people pride themselves on their ability to navigate through work, family, church, exercise, bills, hobbies, and keep their blood pressure under control. And although that type of organization is commendable, how much is their relationship with God flourishing, or rather suffering? It’s nice to think we can do it all, but when God is coming in second, or third, or dead last on our priority chart, it might be time to regroup, reevaluate, and let some things go.

Responsibilities are good, work is good, providing for our families is good, and certainly biblical. But there can be a slippery slope between “doing it all” and remembering who “has done it all.” If the things of our lives that are not connected to our walks with God begin to take more and more time away from Him, then sometimes it might be best to cut back on them altogether. If anything is in our lives is drawing us away from God, then it needs to be removed. The Bible uses the word “mammon” as things that can come between us and God. Mammon is simply earthly goods such as money or anything that can divert our attention from Him. Let’s not let the mammon in our lives outweigh the glory that Our Father in Heaven is due. 

God Bless, 

Paul Provencio