2 Kings 22:7

2 Kings 22:7

“However there need be no accounting made with them of the money delivered into their hand, because they deal faithfully.”

2 Kings 22:7

King Josiah, desiring to repair the damaged temple, directed that the high priest give the money collected from the people directly to the workers without any accounting. What an incredible reflection this is of a people who wholly follow God!  The workers’ walk with the Lord was without reproach; so much so that their testimony was borne out in how they lived their lives.  As they lived their daily routine, God was in every action; they chose to be obedient in every detail.  They were doers of the word, not just hearers of the word (James 1:22).  Integrity was their calling card, and it was so well known that the king took notice and simply handed over a significant amount of money to the workers without question and without a second thought. He did not need to have weekly status meetings to check on the progress of the repairs or how the money was being allocated.  He knew the work would be done as required.

Imagine the impact that the church could have and the fruit we could bear if each of our walks was lived out in this manner. Imagine if we allowed the Lord to truly transform our lives when we offer ourselves up as a living sacrifice to Him (Romans 12:1-2).  We would not need to verbalize the gospel to those in our sphere of influence, because our lives would be doing that for us. People would see the example of Jesus demonstrated in how we live. Lord, may we have a life that is an open book to all, that demonstrates the power of you working in us so that we are above reproach in all that we say and do.

Pastor Jeff Mericle