Psalm 101:3

Psalm 101:3

I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not cling to me.

Psalm 101:3

David, as king of Israel in Psalm 101, writes out his vow to seek to live in godliness as the ruler over God’s people. You would be well to go and read the entire psalm, it is only eight verses long, but has so much to say about making a commitment to live a holy life. In our verse, David has determined to keep his eyes from beholding anything wicked or evil, separating himself from those things in his life. Additionally, he will take the position of hating the lifestyle of those who have turned from the Lord and not follow their examples or practices.

For us, these are two good places to consider as we desire to please the Lord in our daily lives. Keeping your eyes in check and your friendship with those who also are seeking to live for Him will keep you closer to your goal to be pleasing in His sight.

Seeking to do my best today for His glory,

Pastor Jack Abeelen