Luke 6:12

Luke 6:12

Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.

Luke 6:12

In His second year of His public ministry, Jesus was followed by thousands while being hounded by the religious leaders of His day. Those leaders were already making plans to have Him eliminated permanently. As our example on how we should walk with God, Luke constantly shows our Savior committed to praying, seeking the will of His Father and His strength.

Having emptied Himself of His independent use of divine authority (Philippians 2:7), Jesus ministered by the power of the Holy Spirit and sought His wisdom from the Father; and so must we. How is your prayer life in terms of regularity, enjoyment, fruitfulness, and passion? To learn from our Lord the absolute need for a devoted time of prayer will revolutionize your walk and your ministry. Please put our staff on your prayer list as well, we need His help each and every day. 

Praying for you!

Pastor Jack Abeelen