2 Samuel 5:4

2 Samuel 5:4

David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years.

2 Samuel 5:4

At first glance, this verse might seem insignificant, but when we take a step back and read it in the context of David’s life, we see a valuable lesson in waiting on the Lord’s timing. David was anointed to be king in 1 Samuel 16, with biblical scholars estimating David was in his early to mid-teenage years. David was promised to rule over the people of Israel and yet he had to wait over a decade to receive God’s promise.

When God promises us something we tend to want it on our timing, we want it in the moment but, like David, God uses our time of waiting to build us up into the people that He would have us to be. It would be in David’s time fleeing from Saul and hiding in caves where David would learn to lead his men as well as depend on the Lord. This would continue until David became king of Israel over a decade after he was anointed king. So in the moments when the Lord gives us promises, may we wait patiently and grow in our faith, so when the timing of the Lord’s promises come, we can be ready to receive all that the Lord has for us. 

For His Kingdom, 

Alex Alfaro