Philippians 2:23

Philippians 2:23

Therefore I hope to send him at once, as soon as I see how it goes with me.

Philippians 2:23

The Philippian church sent Epaphroditus to Rome with a financial gift to support Paul who was under house arrest (Acts 28:30). Epaphroditus was a person who had a servant’s heart for the Lord and he labored ceaselessly in the gospel of Christ, helping to establish the church at Colossae (Collossians 1:7). Observe how the mighty apostle Paul refers to Epaphroditus: My brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier.  All of these terms reflects Paul’s view of their relationship as being one of partnership.  Paul was certainly in a position of authority, but he knew that he was saved by the same blood of Jesus and shared the same mutual faith (Romans 1:12).

The church does not have a spiritual hierarchy: Jesus is the head and we are the body.  We each have a calling, some of whom are called to leadership.  The rest of us still have a job to do and we are to use our spiritual gifts to serve alongside those the Lord has placed over us with the common goal of furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ, while at the same time ministering to each other. 

Has the feeling of intimidation prevented you from stepping out and serving the Lord?  Perhaps you look at those in charge or those who have been serving for a while and think that you do not have the same abilities and therefore cannot serve.  God does not want you to think that; instead, He just wants you to be available and obedient, and then He will work through you to accomplish His purposes in whichever ministry you have been called to.  Pray that the Lord will reveal to you where He would have you serve, then step out in faith and watch His amazing work.

Pastor Jeff Mericle