Exodus 14:14

Exodus 14:14

“The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”

Exodus 14:14 

This verse expresses a biblical truth, God will fight for us and, in trusting in Him, we will find peace. But can we honestly say we not only know this but believe this in times of struggles where we have every reason not to believe? In the verses prior, we realize that this was said in a moment where the Israelites were fleeing from the Egyptians. Pharaoh had just gathered his entire army, multitudes of chariots, all his horses, to pursue the children of Israel. The image of the Egyptians pursuing the people of Israel was so overwhelming that they started to complain. They resorted to what we do, which is let our situations dictate our faith. The people of Israel claimed the only reason they were taken to the wilderness was to be killed, that it would have been better to have stayed in Egypt. They let their situation dictate what they believed about the Lord.

We can’t let difficulties that are on the horizon lead us to abandon what we know God has said and promised. Yet in this moment, the people of Israel cried out to the Lord and He responded through Moses with this verse, showing that even in our doubts, even when we might turn our backs on Jesus, He never abandons us but rather reminds us of His faithfulness. Remember He fights for us not against us and as we hold on to Him, He gives us peace in the storm. So hold on to what He says, don’t let the circumstances change your faith, but rather let your faith in the Lord change your attitude towards your circumstances. 

For His Kingdom, 

Alex Alfaro