Matthew 16:24

Matthew 16:24

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”

Matthew 16:24

I love this verse.  It is one I pray that God would instill in my life each day; that I would take up my cross each and every day and live my life according to God’s will. Taking up your cross means that you identify with Jesus to the point of suffering, enduring rejection and even death.  Taking up your cross is something you choose to do, not something you put up with.  

Some people say “This is the cross I have to bear”, like being sick or having a noisy neighbor.  That’s not the cross, that’s just life.  Taking up your cross is a choice to deny yourself and follow Jesus no matter what.  I choose to follow Jesus!

Seeking to follow my Lord,

Pastor Rich Kikuchi