Deuteronomy 13:4

Deuteronomy 13:4

“You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and obey His voice; you shall serve him and hold fast to Him.”

Deuteronomy 13:4

Today’s verse is found in a chapter that deals with those who might arise to entice and turn the people away from God. Verse 1 addresses the false prophet, verse 6 addresses family and friends, and verse 12 addresses fellow citizenry. God’s command here is straight and to the point and can be broken down into three steps: Follow, serve, and hold fast.

To follow God is to obey His word and the Holy Spirit, to serve God is to act upon the calling that He has given to each of us, and to hold fast is to remain firm in our walk with God no matter the opposition or forces against us. The guidance Moses gave thousands of years ago remains applicable today.  Sin still reigns in the world, and the enemy along with the world desire nothing more than to turn us from God. Remember: Follow, serve, and hold fast!

Pastor Jeff Mericle