Judges 7:2

Judges 7:2

And the Lord said to Gideon, “The people who are with you are too many for Me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim glory for itself against Me,” saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.'”

Judges 7:2

            Let’s be clear, the battle belongs to the Lord and the victory is all because of Him. When God tasked Gideon with overtaking the Midianites’ camp, He wanted the victory clearly to be done out of faith and not of the strength of Gideon and his army. This is the very reason that He told Gideon to send most of his troops home, and then still further cut down the number even more. When Gideon had finished doing all that God had asked of him, he was left with only 300 soldiers to carry out this seemingly impossible task.

            God wants to be sure that we are giving all the glory to Him and not boasting of our own works. At times, we will be sent into what seems like an impossible situation and fear and reasoning will have to be thrown out the door. The army that Gideon had to overtake was as numerous as locusts and their camels were without number, like the sand by the seashore. The odds will seem against us as we enter trials, but that is exactly where we are able to see God’s hand at work. His victory will be evident when we have nothing to rely on but Him. Let’s let Him do the fighting for us.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio