Romans 12:15

Romans 12:15

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.
Romans 12:15

There is an old saying that Christians tend to shoot their wounded. That means when Christians are going through bad times, other believers look to figure out what they did wrong to put them in that position.

We need to remember the best thing for the Christian church is unity. When someone is rejoicing, we should rejoice with them. If Christians get married, celebrate it, and don’t spend time trying to nitpick whether they did the right thing or not. When people are rejoicing, we should be right there with them.

The same thing happens with those who are weeping. We tell them, “Cheer up, aren’t you supposed to have joy in the Lord?” I’ve had to do my share of funerals, and it’s better to just commiserate with those in mourning than to help them get through this difficult time. Sometimes, people just need a shoulder to cry on.

It’s best to be there for your Christian brothers and sisters no matter what they’re going through.

Coming alongside my church family,

Pastor Ron Kitchell