John 15:19

John 15:19

If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
John 15:19

As we get closer to the last days, I feel less and less a part of this world. The world’s beliefs used to be closer to lining up with God’s, but now they’re ridiculous. The enemy continues to influence the minds of man, and even the believers have less faith.

I’m not going to be loved by the world. Jesus says if we were of this world, we would be loved, but we’re not, so we’re hated by the world. Have you ever said a simple Bible verse, and it causes someone to explode in anger?

That’s going to happen more often as we go forward. Jesus said when He comes back, will there be any faith in the world? So hold onto the fact that Jesus chose you and is with you always, and remember, someday you’ll be with Him. Until He comes, stay busy in the things of God!

Not of this world,

Pastor Ron Kitchell