Mark 6:7-9

Mark 6:7-9

And He called the twelve to Himself, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits. He commanded them to take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bag, no bread, no copper in their money belts— but to wear sandals, and not to put on two tunics.

Mark 6:7-9

Jesus sent the disciples on a short-term mission trip with the intent of teaching the disciples two things: both the power to minister and the provision to minister are from Him.

Some people might feel called to a particular ministry, but they are fearful of taking the first step, feeling that they do not have the resources or ability; however, today’s passage demonstrates that God will provide both.

If God has given you a vision for ministry, take the first step right from where you are, and then watch Him grow it. We must be good stewards of what we have before God will give us more. If you are called to be an evangelist, don’t wait for God to provide the tour bus; start by going out to your local community. If you are called to start a YouTube channel, don’t wait for a top-of-the-line lighting setup and Sony video camera; start by using your phone and a table-top tripod. Demonstrate your faith by stepping out and relying on God’s power to accomplish His calling.

If you are in God’s will, the first step will be blessed by many more steps, with multiplication along the way. He simply wants us to depend on His power and provision for what He has set before us.

By His power,

Pastor Jeff Mericle