1 Timothy 6:8

1 Timothy 6:8

“And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.”
1 Timothy 6:8

There was a time in our country’s history when people only wanted to provide for their family’s well-being in the form of food and clothing. Granted, people have always appreciated nice, shiny things and there is nothing wrong with those things in and of themselves. But at some point, it feels like we forgot that the essentials were food and clothes and that we derived happiness by knowing our joy came from the Lord. If a man could put food on the table for his family and a mom was able to sew clothes for her children, then they were considered a successful family. Today, those bare essentials are often taken for granted and not even counted as important if we don’t have above and beyond them.

The Bible teaches us that without Jesus, our lives will be empty. The basic necessities such as food and clothes will begin to lose their value because we become too comfortable and start to expect more than we actually need. God has already given us the gift of eternal life because of what Christ did on the cross. This makes us rich in the eyes of eternity. And eternity is what we are supposed to be living for, not the new car, bigger house, or fancier designer clothes. Just to restate, there is nothing wrong with liking nice things. But if we begin to put more value on them instead of what God has given us, we can become spoiled and ungrateful. Then, nothing will ever satisfy us. Remember, you are already rich because of Jesus.

God Bless,
Paul Provencio