Proverbs 14:4

Proverbs 14:4

Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; But much increase comes by the strength of an ox.

Proverbs 14:4

This is an unusual verse, but it makes a good point. Most of us like to have an ordered, structured life where nothing goes wrong. We pray that the Lord would just get us through the day with no trials or tribulations. It’s like having that clean trough; everything looks good.

Well, everything might look good, but nothing’s getting accomplished. For a farm to produce items in Biblical times, you would need oxen to plow and get your land ready to grow crops. We want a perfect, clean, trouble-free life, but God works through our difficulties.

I’ve heard it said, “Perfect is the enemy of the good,” and there’s truth in that. People try to live the easiest life they can, but they take no risks, and there’s no spiritual fruit in their lives. We must be willing to try new things and dirty up our lives a bit so that we can see God work. Don’t just try to get by; see what God wants you to do. It might be messy, but it will be worth it!

Forsaking comfort for the cross,

Pastor Ron Kitchell