Ecclesiastes 3:11

Ecclesiastes 3:11

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Solomon was a man God had greatly blessed. He was raised in a godly home and was given wisdom by the Lord that was second to none to help him be king over his people. God had brought power, wealth, and influence to him as a result. Yet later in life, Solomon turned from God and His ways to seek life apart from God, “under the sun,” as he calls it in Ecclesiastes.

With his unique position to have anything he wanted, do anything he liked, and pursue it all with no checks or balances, Solomon provides us a roadmap of despair, roads he walked trying to discover if there was life to be found there. He held nothing back but gained nothing either. His conclusions are that the world has nothing to offer and will just leave one empty, “vanity,” he called it, is that which is left over when all is said and done.

In our verse, Solomon hits the nail on the head. God made us with a hunger for the eternal. It is part of our DNA, and nothing in this world can satisfy that hunger, for it is all temporary. We must know God, and though we may not be able to tell you what will come tomorrow, we know by faith in Him that tomorrow will bring His best for us. May you be reminded of that today.

Hungry for the eternal things of God,
Pastor Jack Abeelen