Job 42:5-6

Job 42:5-6

“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, And repent in dust and ashes.”
Job 42:5-6

After two chapters of narrative about Job’s incredible suffering, and thirty-five chapters of back and forth complaining and wrong advice from supposed friends, God finally intersects the situation and reveals His omnipotence to Job. The verse above is Job’s conclusion. And now that he has seen for himself what he had heard throughout his lifetime, he is completely unnerved. In coming face to face with the Almighty God, Job instantly repents because he realizes he is “poor in spirit” but as we know from Jesus’ promise, that is the beginning of the kingdom of heaven for all of us.

So spend some time getting close to God today. Read about His mighty attributes in His Word, and balance that against your frailty and weaknesses. When we realize God’s mercy toward us and understand His grace, we can truly be thankful.

Basking in the reality of who He is,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw