Proverbs 1:7

Proverbs 1:7

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 1:7

This word of counsel from Solomon to his son is an often-repeated phrase that gives us a clear place to start growing in the Lord. But what is the “fear of the Lord?” It’s not, as some have said, a superstitious, servile kind of dread of God. The kind of fear I had of God before I knew Him, the kind that left my stomach upset. That is often the way those who do not know the true God relate to their false gods. Neither is fear of the Lord a sentimental feeling produced by some warm and fuzzy sermonette that seeks to reduce God to our level.

Biblically, a fear of the Lord is a spiritual outlook or mindset where all I think or do is filtered through the question: what would God think of this? What would he have me do? How would He react? Proverbs tells us that attitude is the beginning of knowledge and the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). It should be a pattern for our lives. The fear of the Lord will keep me from evil, produce holiness and growth, add depth to my spiritual character, and prolong my ministry. It is all about knowing Him, His Word and His will and living accordingly by His power and grace.

Wanting a true fear of the Lord always,

Pastor Jack Abeelen