John 5:24

John 5:24

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgement, but has passed from death into life.

John 5:24

Jesus declared to His listeners and to us, that life comes through Him.  He who hears His voice and believes in Him will have everlasting life!  Simple and powerful. And it all starts with hearing His voice.  I am not good at hearing and I am not a very good listener.  But, I did hear His voice that night back in 1979 while I was reading Revelation 1:18 in the quiet of the living room in my apartment.  ”Rich….!” 

For most of us, I am thinking, it was not an audible voice, but we heard the call of God on our lives.  We heard it, looked up, and God saved us.  And that is what Jesus is saying here.  Life begins when we hear the voice of God, turn to Him and believe.  Again, simple but powerful! 

Have you been praying for friends or family members to get saved?  For kids to get right with God? We all have those we are praying for. Let’s pray that they would hear the words of God. 

Passed from death into life!

Pastor Rich Kikuchi