Ezekiel 36:21

Ezekiel 36:21

But I had concern for My holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations wherever they went.

Ezekiel 36:21

The third commandment in Exodus 20:7 is, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” God regards His name highly and He was upset that Israel profaned it.

Isn’t it interesting that when people curse, they always use the name of God? You’ll hear Jesus this and God that, you never hear Buddha or Allah used to curse out people. Because even the blasphemers of God realize His name has power. 

There are some sins in my life the Lord took away instantly and others that took a while. When it came to cursing, I don’t remember ever praying the Lord would take it away, He just slowly worked on me and now it’s gone. I have no urge to use filthy language and especially not to include the Lord’s name in that. If you have problems in this area of your life, remember what God has done for you and how highly He regards His name.

Wanting to bless God, not curse Him,

Pastor Ron Kitchell