Matthew 14:16-18

Matthew 14:16-18

But Jesus said to them, “They do not need to go away.  You give them something to eat.”  And they said to Him, “We have only five loaves and two fish.”  He said, “Bring them here to Me.”    

Matthew 14:16-18

How big is your God? Is He capable of meeting your needs?  Have you suddenly faced a situation that God can’t handle?  We all remember this familiar story of Jesus feeding the five thousand.  For the disciples who looked at the overwhelming crowd, God was only as big as five loaves and two fish, which they had to borrow from a young boy.  But they had forgotten that “…the Christ the Son of the living God” was with them. (Matthew 16:16) 

We see the result that from a small offering of a little boy’s lunch. Jesus was able to feed everyone present.  As we face overwhelming circumstances, we can be assured that, as children of God, Jesus is with us, and with our small offerings of trust in Him, He will see us through.  It’s impossible for us to figure out how big God is, but we can be absolutely sure that He is bigger than our need no matter what it might be.

Trusting Him with what little I have,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw