Hebrews 7:24
But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood.
Hebrews 7:24
How wonderful it would be to have a great physician, an advocate, a king, a priest who never died!!! Oh, wait a minute…
It seems like just when we get used to a situation it changes. The calendar flips to the next year, the kids are growing so fast you hardly recognize them, your job responsibilities shift and morph, etc. The one thing that doesn’t change fast enough is the traffic signal you are now waiting for on the third cycle to get through.
What relief and comfort when we look to Jesus and witness His unchangeable priesthood in our lives that “always lives to make intercession for us.” (Hebrews 7:25) He is always there and will always be. His love doesn’t change and His desires for us will never change. Rest in that comfort today.
He’s standing in the gap for us,
Pastor Gerard Deleeuw