Exodus 1:17

Exodus 1:17

But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive.
Exodus 1:17

There are many times in our lives when we will be confronted with choices to make regarding our walk with God. In the days of Moses, the Pharaoh had ordered all male children to be thrown into the Nile River in hopes of shrinking the ever-growing population of the Jews. Yet the midwives amongst God’s people feared God more than the edict of the Pharaoh and refused to obey his commands, though they risked their own lives in so doing.

Though our choices are rarely that drastic and consequential, there is still the issue of who will you fear most: Almighty God or the culture’s reaction, the opinions of others, the fallout for godliness, etc. One thing is sure, fearing God will lead us to do what is right, fearing men is always going to lead to ruin.

Fearing the Lord by following His ways,

Pastor Jack Abeelen