Romans 11:33

Romans 11:33

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!
Romans 11:33

Oftentimes in our worship of God, we can get caught up in what He can give us rather than Who is He. It is great that we look to what the Lord provides for us because He is our Provider. But, it cannot be our sole focus.

This is the beginning of a doxology that Paul goes into after he spends about three chapters talking about God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility. In the context of this verse, I think it is a great thing to do what Paul is doing and ponder upon who God is. Just reflect on everything that God is and does. As Paul did that, it brought him to this conclusion and a place of wonderful worship of God. Have you sat and reflected upon who God is recently? Take some time today in scripture to reflect upon everything about God so, in the time of want, God alone is enough to sustain that need.


Pastor Sean Boehm