Matthew 6:34

Matthew 6:34

Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:34

We are reminded repeatedly in God’s word worry has no place in the life of a believer, which at times leaves me worried that I’m worried too often! But it doesn’t have to be so.

While planning for the future is time well spent (Luke 14:28-33), stressing over the future is time thoroughly wasted. You and I know this, yet we can find ourselves gripped with anxiety because our hope for tomorrow is often crippled by the fear of the “what if.” And today gets lost in the process.

How fortunate we are that the Lord doesn’t leave us with empty hope. We don’t need to hang around a wishing well, we get to lay our fear at the feet of the One who has our very lives in His hands. He will take care of us today and He’ll take care of us tomorrow, if and when we get there. This morning, join me in taking every fear and every worrisome thought to Him in prayer. Let’s choose to face this day hand-in-hand with the Lord.

Jeff Deal