Colossians 4:2

Colossians 4:2

Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.
Colossians 4:2

Paul, in his letters, like Jesus in the gospels, frequently implores us to pray. And like Jesus, Paul also provides examples of prayer. Here, Paul directs us in how we should approach our prayer life.

First, he commands that we continue earnestly in prayer. The word can also be translated as “busily engaged in.” Prayer is to be active and ongoing. Secondly, he commands that we be vigilant, which means to be in constant readiness or to be on the alert. We should always be ready with a prayer in our heart, and alert to those things which distract us from a life of prayer. Finally, we are to approach prayer with an attitude of thanksgiving. Prayer is a privilege: We can enter the throne room of the universe and commune with God! We can praise Him for who He is and for His work in our lives, as well as bring our petitions. Lord, may we approach prayer with persistence, and may we guard our prayer life from anything that would diminish it.

Jeff Mericle