Ephesians 6:15

Ephesians 6:15

… and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
Ephesians 6:15

Shoes play a large role in our life, despite the fact that we really don’t pay any attention to them. But if you look in your closet, I bet you have at least five different pairs and when you walk out the door, you’re wearing at least one of them. Shoes, despite being fashionable, play a much more practical role in our lives as well. They protect our feet. When a foot is damaged, you can become pretty immobile. Think of that reality being placed in a real physical battle, your odds of survival are slim.

This being true, spiritually speaking, if we don’t have the right resources to protect our Christian walk when the battle comes, we are in danger of falling. So Paul directs us to shod our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. It helps us stand firm in the fight while also being balanced going forward.

This means we are to be fully prepared each day with the sure knowledge of the gospel message. Because of Jesus, I have peace with God. Because of Jesus, I can have peace in my soul and walk in this peace and not be shaken. To stand firm and fight the enemy, we must stand on the foundation of the Gospel message. We must stand in the truth of what Jesus has done and advance forward knowing it is He in whom we find our sure footing.

Pastor Jason Witt