Proverbs 16:18

Proverbs 16:18

Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18

As I read this passage, I am reminded of how God made each one of us unique in our own way. We all have different skills that we can train and refine. If practiced enough, that skill will almost appear flawless by others. God gives all of us specific talents and gifts that He can use to bless our lives and be a blessing to others. Unfortunately, it’s easy for man to become “puffed-up” when it comes to status and achievement, as if we had something to do with it.

Pride is defined as arrogance, inordinate or unjustified self-esteem, and models a life apart from the ways of the Lord. The scriptures give us many warnings as to the dangers of pride and the destruction it brings, namely because pride is a by-product of sin. If you notice, the center of both pride and sin is “I”. When man becomes so full of himself, there is no room for the Lord. A man’s pride will only bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor (Proverbs 29:23). But, sometimes confidence and skill can be mistaken for arrogance and pride. Only God knows the intention of our heart. His desire is that we would honor Him, not boasting in works for our own vain glory, but through our works that He would be known. May our lives place Jesus on center stage, being emptied of ourselves and filled with the beauty of His holiness. Lord, may You be seen in me!

In His glory,

Tom Moore