Matthew 6:3

Matthew 6:3

“But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”
Matthew 6:3

Have you ever given to someone or donated to a charity or church and just had to tell someone the good you just did? Have you done something that you knew would bring recognition? Or do you only do things that would bring you recognition? Jesus here makes it clear. If that is your attitude towards giving, you have your reward. God not only loves a cheerful giver, but He wants all the glory.

Jesus is not at all suggesting that you put on a black hat and dark glasses when you give, but He’s telling us when you give, you don’t need to shout it to the world. Let the only person who knows you gave be the Lord who even sees you in secret. Let Him be the One who rewards you openly.

Joshua Navarro