Matthew 6:7

Matthew 6:7

“And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.”
Matthew 6:7

God knows our hearts and if we, for some reason, think we can go before the King or before others and act spiritual, we are dead wrong. Right before Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray, He tells them what to do when they are about to pray. Go to their room and shut the door. You don’t have to impress God by using super cool words or stand in the streets to show people you are praying. Go, humble yourself, and pray to God.

If today you say to yourself, “But Joshua, I don’t know how to pray.” Good! God doesn’t have a prescribed method. Just go humble yourself before your King in your secret place and talk to Him. Tell Him what is on your heart. There is no need for secret code words or words with multiple vowels. Just give Him your heart and He will hear your prayers.

Joshua Navarro