Proverbs 12:4

Proverbs 12:4

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, But she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones.
Proverbs 12:4

The above proverb speaks of the contrast between the effects a good or bad wife has on her husband. The good wife, or the excellent wife, is a woman who brings honor to her husband. A good wife makes her husband look good. I remember an old saying that said, “Behind every good man is an even better woman,” and while that might not always be true, I think there is probably a lot of truth to it. On the flip side, a bad wife that causes shame to her husband can literally make a man feel sick in his bones.

A wife plays a huge role in the well-being of her husband despite what one may think. A lot of times, wives can think their husbands can take anything they throw at them. They buy into the stereotype that men are supposed to be big and tough so nothing should be able to penetrate them physically or emotionally. Well, that simply isn’t true. How you treat your husband, what you say to him, what you do to him, will have a profound effect on him in the long run even if it looks like he can absorb everything you may be throwing at him. Thick skin can eventually get worn down over time.

While there is no such thing as a perfect husband or wife, it should always be our goal to bring honor to the other. If that’s lacking in your marriage right now, I would consider you approach God in prayer with an open heart to hear from Him. Let Him expose the areas where you might be hurting your spouse versus helping them. And then ask for wisdom and strength to correct those areas. I guarantee you both spouses will benefit from this type of humility.

Pastor Jason Witt