1 Samuel 17:32

1 Samuel 17:32

Then David said to Saul, “Let no man’s heart fail because of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine.”
1 Samuel 17:32

We are all pretty familiar with story of David and Goliath. We know that Goliath was basically calling out the children of Israel for some time now. No one was willing to approach him because of fear. Then David comes out and says, “I’ll go.” His only qualification was he tended his father’s sheep and when a lion or bear would take a lamb, he’d kill it.

Today is no different. Everywhere we go, we get people talking down on God’s people. We have people living the way they want and mocking our God. We fail to stand up for God and for what is right. I know that is sometimes the case with me. A few months ago, I was out with my family and a group of young kids were using some choice words that I did not agree with. I wish I could say I went up and talked with them and they all got saved but instead of going out and talking with them, I did what the children of Israel did: “Who’s going to go up and do something?”

I want to be like David. Stand up to the enemy and share with them God’s word even when it looks like I might lose.

Joshua Navarro