Acts 1:14

Acts 1:14

These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication…
Acts 1:14

This verse is a conclusion of some amazing events. The disciples had endured Jesus’ crucifixion, witnessed His risen body, and physically watched Him ascend into heaven. Now they had gone back to Jerusalem to the Upper Room to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit. And what did they do? They prayed. But here’s the amazing part. They were “with one accord.” They had absolute unity.

The 11 strong-willed disciples were not arguing over who would have the best seat in the kingdom; Peter was no longer concerned about what John should do; Thomas wasn’t pouring cold water on things; Philip wasn’t asking for a sign; and Jesus’ family was not demanding special privileges. They were one in purpose, one in heart, and one mind. They were all looking up to Jesus at the same time for the same thing. Oh, what a difference Jesus’ finished work should make in our lives!

Dwelling together in unity,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw