Acts 20:27

Acts 20:27

For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.
Acts 20:27

As Paul was talking to the Ephesian elders, he used the above verse as a selling point to them. He did not fail in teaching the whole Bible to these church leaders. Paul realized the importance of knowing the entirety of Scripture and the effect it has on life.

Wherever you go to church, I hope it’s a place where the entire Bible is taught. If pastors teach through the Word, verse-by-verse, then you won’t be able to hear just the favorite pet scriptures of the pastor. Eventually you’ll hear every aspect of the word and there will be a part of it that exhorts or convicts you. Or both!

God gave us His whole word to minister to our lives and He knew we’d need it. Pick up your Bible and spend some time reading through the whole thing and let the Lord speak to you about all things that pertain to life and godliness.

Delighting in His word,

Pastor Ron Kitchell