Acts 20:31

Acts 20:31

Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.
Acts 20:31

Paul spoke these words to the Ephesian church elders while he was passing through Miletus on his way to Jerusalem. It was a serious subject matter to Paul since he was once again bringing something up that he had already repeatedly taught them over the course of three years. Speaking to them as overseers, he warned that the church body would be attacked externally by “savage wolves” (Acts 20:29) and internally by those seeking to glorify themselves (Acts 20:30). The overseers were not only to watch out for the flock but for themselves as well (Acts 20:28).

Even though Paul was speaking to overseers, we, as every day Christians, need to heed Paul’s warning. Our adversary is looking to devour us and can render us useless to God’s kingdom by subtle and not-so-subtle means. Our battle is spiritual and relentless. The weapon that we carry is the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17). The way for us to keep our spiritual sword sharp is to daily sharpen it with God’s word, and as we engage in this sharpening process, we become more knowledgeable and informed about God’s commands, precepts, and character. When we are intimately familiar with Him, then it becomes easier to identify the wolves and imposters sent by the enemy to derail our walk with God. Lord, may we make your word a daily priority, and may you grant us discernment and wisdom as we grow in the knowledge of you.

Jeff Mericle