Acts 8:35

Acts 8:35

Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him.

Acts 8:35

God would call Philip to go out to the middle of a desert in order to minister to a eunuch and this eunuch was found reading Isaiah 53:7-8, a passage he did not understand. So he asked Philip for clarification. Through Philip we get a lesson in how to approach sharing God’s word with those around us. Like Philip, we have to be willing to look at someone and see where they are spiritually, and not where we want them to be. When we teach, wwe are to meet them where they are at emotionally and spiritually, and be willing to show them the truth of God’s word in a way that will minister to them in that moment.

All of scripture points to Christ in one way or another and that should be our goal to make sure that when we minister to someone, when we teach them the truth of God’s word that we are giving them more of Christ. That has to be our ultimate goal whenever we teach or share with someone. We have to ask ourselves, are we giving them more of Jesus? So like Philip, may we respond to God’s call to go out into the unknown to minister to those who are in need of hearing about Jesus. 

For His Kingdom, 

Alex Alfaro