Colossians 4:6

Colossians 4:6

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

Colossians 4:6

            I have been guilty of being an “over doer” of many things. My friend once likened me to another friend of his who had a bad habit of over-tightening a screw to the point where it would break. His friend was even given the nickname “one more notch.” I too can overdo it, and as a result, destroy the thing that I am trying to fix. It is never the intention of a zealous “over doer” to break the thing they are working on, but it’s often a lack of self-control that leads to making things worse than they were before. As Christians, we too, can overdo things to the point that God is no longer glorified.

            Anyone who has cooked a meal will know that a little salt seasons well and too much will ruin the meal. Whenever I taste a really salty steak, I am reminded that my witness and my speech must be seasoned with grace and humility. Yelling at someone to “Turn or burn!”  will not only antagonize them, but it will not reflect the character of Jesus. Jesus spoke with humility and exercised patience and self-control. Our speech as Christians needs only light seasoning because it’s not the salt that cooks the meal, but the fire. That fire is the power of God, His word, and the moving of the Holy Spirit, and never our yelling and screaming. He does the work.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio