Daniel 11:27

Daniel 11:27

Both these kings’ hearts shall be bent on evil, and they shall speak lies at the same table; but it shall not prosper, for the end will still be at the appointed time.

Daniel 11:27

We seem to live in an age where those elected to office, whether on “our” team or “their” team, either outright lie or make promises that they know cannot be kept.  If we fully trust in God, then this situation should not be a cause for angst. God alone is our rock, and therefore when we see corruption and deception in our leadership, we should not be moved by it (Psalm 62:2).  If we are moved to the point of worry or despair, then perhaps we have given man an inroad to the space in our heart that should only be occupied by God.

The reality is that both “teams” in our political system are led by man, and man is sinful and therefore will fall short whether or not that is their intent. As our verse points out, given two parties at the table, there is not necessarily a conclusion that one of them must be good. Only God is good. If you find yourself putting your trust in the political system and then as a result becoming consumed with worry when the leaders of the system fail you, then you have fallen out of the peace and rest that God offers when we have given our life to Him.  The remedy is simple, “be diligent to enter that rest,” as Hebrews 4:11 commands and God will restore the peace in your life.

Pastor Jeff Mericle