Ecclesiastes 7:13

Ecclesiastes 7:13

Consider the work of God; for who can make straight what He has made crooked?

Ecclesiastes 7:13

God does not make mistakes. Let me repeat, “Our God does not make any sort of mistakes, no matter how big or trivial they may seem.” All too often, and I am guilty of this myself, we tend to lower God to a human state and find ourselves asking, “What was He thinking?” There was a time or two when you questioned God’s purpose in a difficult situation and thought you might be able to help Him out. Like God really needs our help! Sometimes it is easier to just accept that our all-knowing Father in Heaven might actually be doing things for a reason, as crazy as that might sound. 

God knows the best route for our lives, even if those paths are crooked, straight, rainy, or seemingly broken. He doesn’t make mistakes and what often looks like a mess to us is only a small part of His masterplan that we can’t see. Let’s not pride ourselves by trying to figure out everything or argue with the One who created it all. God is truly working all things for the good of those who are called His children. Even the most crooked path is crooked for a reason. It might help us avoid more dangerous terrain and things waiting to attack behind turns. Starting today, let’s try keeping our eyes fixed on God and not the road work we would like to fix.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio