Ephesians 1:11

Ephesians 1:11

In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.

Ephesians 1:11

Earthly inheritances have lots of drawbacks — they get taxed away, eaten at by debt, lawyers take their share, and whatever is left over is fought over by family members.  But not so with God’s inheritance! Paul tells us we have obtained an inheritance as children of God, an inheritance in Christ. We not only have an inheritance to look forward to in Heaven, a place with no tears, no death, and no sorrow, along with dwelling with God for eternity. We also have an inheritance in the present tense. We have access to the throne of God in prayer, He hears when we call, and He answers according to His good will for our lives. His Spirit dwells in our hearts, we have fellowship together, and experience His presence daily. The Spirit gives us understanding to rightly divide and apply His word to our lives.

I’m so glad God didn’t ask me, “So Doug, write down what you would like for your inheritance, tell me what would make you happy.” It would never compare with what He has for me; my list would fall far short of all He has given to me as a child of God.

Pastor Doug Hardin