Ephesians 1:7a

Ephesians 1:7a

In Him we have redemption through His blood…

Ephesians 1:7a

A usual tactic that Satan tries to use against us as believers is convincing us that our redemption doesn’t come through Christ alone. I don’t mean to the point where we are trying to earn salvation, but maybe it’s to the point where you are trying to get back into “God’s good graces.” You have been redeemed through the blood of Christ forever and therefore have now had your life exchanged for the life of Christ!

Jesus is not just enough for your sin, He is more than enough and you are made perfect through Him. Dust off, go before the Lord and confess, and move forward because you have redemption through the blood of Christ and are perfectly loved by the Father.

Resting in Him,

Pastor Sean Boehm