Ephesians 6:11

Ephesians 6:11

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Ephesians 6:11

Having a small pet, I’m very aware of the threat of coyotes that exist in my area. Coyotes are a very clever predator. A lot of times they work in packs and one of the tactics they use is to send one coyote out ahead in front of the pack, and this one coyote will play injured. It will make noises that indicate he or she is hurt and lure unsuspecting dogs or other small animals near this perceived wounded animal. Then once this unsuspecting animal gets close enough, the rest of the pack attacks and has a much easier job taking down it’s prey.

Well, Satan is much like coyotes but his schemes are even more clever. Hence, we are to put on the whole armor of God in order to stand firm as we face him in battle. The idea of “put on” in the original language is to make permanent. We don’t ever take off the armor because when we do, we are susceptible to the devil’s traps, such as those little dogs or cats that are fooled by the “wounded” coyote. The other important word used here is “whole.” We don’t put on some of the armor, the pieces we like, and leave off the others. We take up and put it all on.

As Christians trying to live out an obedient life to God’s Word, we become a great enemy to Satan because we are the only means by which Satan can attack God. So take heed to this charge and be ready at all times because it’s sure easy to be deceived if we aren’t prepared.

Pastor Jason Witt