Mark 1:35

Mark 1:35

Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.
Mark 1:35

Reading Mark’s account, we quickly learn how busy Jesus’ ministry had become. Mark records a Sabbath day in Jesus’ life filled with preaching, bringing deliverance to many possessed of the devil, and later healing Peter’s mother-in-law. That evening many came to the house where Jesus was staying and sought His hand for deliverance and healing as well. Yet our verse tells us the next morning, Jesus arose long before dawn to find a quiet place to pray. While everyone else slept, our Lord found strength at the feet of His Father. We must never allow our busyness to crowd out what we need most, time with the Lord in prayer where He will strengthen us for the day and the task at hand. Have you been too busy to pray much? Learn from Jesus to make time for that first!

Wanting to make more time for prayer each day,

Pastor Jack Abeelen