Ephesians 6:17a

Ephesians 6:17a

And take the helmet of salvation…
Ephesians 6:17a

The last protective piece of the whole armor of God that Paul teaches every believer to put on to battle the enemy is the helmet of salvation. The salvation referred to here is not the salvation we receive when we first put our trust in Jesus. There are three stages to our salvation: first is our justification, becoming right with God as soon as we accept Him as Savior. The second is sanctification where, because we have God now living inside of us we are to walk or live in this new identity, becoming conformed to the life of Jesus. Then there is the third stage, glorification. This is what Paul is referring to in regards to putting on the helmet of salvation.

The helmet of salvation is the understanding that we will one day be freed entirely from this body of death. We will walk with Jesus in heaven and no longer be tempted or challenged. It is eternal life where we share in and enjoy Christ’s glory. To put this on means to be reminded every battle we face is temporary. It will soon be over and there will be no more; the reward to persevere is glorious and worth every bit of the difficulties we face now. Without this mindset, the battle can begin to wear on you and you begin to doubt.

Keep your eyes on the prize, put on the helmet of Salvation, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Pastor Jason Witt